Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Super-Hero Day!

A few days ago I had the idea to make my boys some super-hero capes to run around in. As I thought about different ways to construct them, I kept running into the same problem- I didn't want them to tie around their necks. I dunno...maybe it wouldn't have bothered them, but I personally HATE having something around my neck! So, I thought of a solution: sew the cape onto an old t-shirt.

But of course...it couldn't be just a plain t-shirt, now could it? How boring is that? So, I sewed a cute emblem on the front. And then I just had to make cute little masks to complete the ensemble. In the end, I think they turned out pretty cute!

Do you have a super-hero at home who is in dire need of an outfit? Never fear! I will post instructions!

To start, you'll need an old t-shirt. Try to choose one that's relatively plain, but if it has a little picture, you can cover it up like I did with the shirt on the left.

Now, let's talk fabric- For the cape and the Star emblem I would recommend using a fabric that doesn't fray. That way you can keep the edges raw and it won't get all ugly looking. The fabric I used is a heavy knit that drapes really well, but doesn't have much stretch- so it's easier to work with. For the mask I used a faux leather I just happened to have around. You could use anything that is stiff and holds it's shape well- vinyl would work great!
For the star you'll want two contrasting colors. Use a plate/bowl to trace 2 circles, one slightly bigger than the other. For the star, I just drew one on a piece of paper and tweaked it until it looked right...and then cut it out to use as a pattern. Here's what your cut out pieces should look like:

Now, grab your t-shirt and pin the biggest circle where you want it. (Careful not to pin through both layers!)

This first circle is the hardest one to sew on because A: the t-shirt has a slight stretch, and B: you have to be careful to not accidentally sew through both layers of the shirt. Just go slowly and you will be fine! (Remember...these are kids we're sewing for...it doesn't have to be perfect!) Sew about 1/4" in from the edge of the circle. Once your first circle is sewn on, center the smaller circle inside, pin in place and sew it on like you did the first one.

Now, (you guessed it!) pin the star in the center and sew in place.

Now sit back and take a look at the uber-cuteness of what you just made. Give yourself a big pat on the back. Eat a big bowl of moose tracks ice cream to celebrate.

Are you done?

Now get back to work! It's time to add the cape!

This is probably the hardest part to explain, so try to bear with me...
I made these costumes for my 2 and 3 year olds, and this was the perfect size cape for them. You might want to make it bigger if you're sewing for a 7 or 8 year old.

This is the basic shape. And here are the measurements:

top edge: 21"
sides: 24"
bottom: 29"

The easiest way to do this is to grab a tape measure and a pen/pencil and draw it on the fabric before you cut it out. Once you have your shape cut out, you'll need to turn the top edge under about 1/4" and hem, like so:

Next, take your shirt and lay it flat. Pin the edges of the cape to the neck of the shirt, about 1" down from the shoulder seams:

Now find the center of the back of the neck, and the center of the top of the cape and pin them together. An easy way to find the centers is to fold the whole thing in half, like this:

Once your centers are matched, you need to add some pleats to the cape so it matches the width of the neckline. Don't let the word "pleats" scare you...it's not as hard as it sounds :) You are basically just folding the fabric in a "Z" pattern and pinning it down. I did 4 big pleats and it worked well...but you can do more or less depending on what kind of look you want.

When you've got your pleats pinned, all you need to do is sew the cape in place and


You have a super-cute super-hero outfit for your super-kid! Except for the mask, but that part is easy. All you need to do is draw a mask shape that fits your child's face. You'll want to cut it out of paper and hold it up to his face to make sure the eye-holes are in the right place. Then, use your paper pattern to cut 1-2 out of your fabric. If you have a super-stiff fabric, you'll only need one layer. I sewed together two layers for added stability.
Have your child hold the mask up to his face, and measure around his head with elastic. Make sure the elastic piece is not too tight, but tight enough to hold the mask in place. Now sew the elastic to the sides of the mask and you're done!

(Even super-heros get tired once in a while...)

Happy Super-Hero day! Have fun!

Thursday, July 14, 2011


I've hemmed and hawed about starting a blog for a few years. I think the thing that has stopped me is exactly what I'm doing right now- writing my first entry. I don't know why this freaks me out... I guess maybe it's because I want it to be perfect...

*If it's dull reading, nobody will come back*
*if it's too long, nobody will finish reading and I'll look like a weirdo*
*if I'm 100% myself, everyone will KNOW I'm a weirdo*

Ok...ok, let's be honest. I AM sort of a weirdo. I am opinionated. I tend to believe in conspiracies. I am a major health nut. And I get excited about power tools.


I think I have some redeeming qualities mixed in there! I love life. I love my family. I love the gospel. I love to create. And I think I have a lot to share, if you're willing to put up with a little craziness now and then ;)